논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 Control of selective SiGe etching by enhanced formation of hydroxyl radicals and by surface passivation in peracetic acid solution Applied Surface Science
2024-06 Understanding the contributions of F–, HF, and HF2– to the etching of SiO2 and unveiling the reaction kinetics to represent etching behavior of SiO2 up to pH 5 Applied Surface Science
2024-02 Behavior of oxide regrowth during the selective Si3N4 etching process on 3D NAND structures using finite element computational simulations Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2024-01 Enhancement of selective SiGe dissolution through facilitated surface oxidation by formation of hydroxyl radicals in peracetic acid solution Applied Surface Science
2023-11 Effect of addition of amino acids with hydrophilic side chains to low-concentration H3PO4 for improvement of Si3N4 etching kinetics and oxide regrowth phenomena on multi-layered Si3N4/SiO2 structures Applied Surface Science
2023-10 Adsorption of poly(oxyethylene) and hydroxyl group-containing nonionic surfactants on silica particles in NH4OH solution and its effect on the interaction force with Si surface Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
2023-10 Effect of dissolved oxygen on surface oxidation and dissolution of InGaAs and its impact on AsGa, AsIn, and VAs defect generation Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
2023-05 Improvement of Si3N4/SiO2 etching selectivity through the passivation of SiO2 surface in aromatic carboxylic acid-added H3PO4 solutions for the 3D NAND integration Applied Surface Science
2023-01 Passivation of poly-Si surface using vinyl and epoxy group additives for selective Si3N4 etching in H3PO4 solution Applied Surface Science
2022-12 Improvement of SiO2 surface morphology during the selective Si3N4 etching in the multi-layered 3D NAND Si3N4/SiO2 stack structures by the generation of CO2 gas through the control of redox reaction Surfaces and Interfaces
2022-10 Chemical modification of subcritical water for the dissolution of Si3N4 layer in the fabrication of microelectronic devices JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS
2022-10 Inkjet-printed p-type CuBrxI1-x:: wearable thin-film transistors Materials Advances
2022-07 Control of adhesion and desorption behavior of silica particles on InGaAs surfaces by addition of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide in ammonium hydroxide–hydrogen peroxide mixture solution APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2022-06 Control Of Particle Adhesion On InGaAs Surface In Basic Solution By The Addition Of Cationic Surfactant ECS Transactions
2022-06 Si3N4 Etching with Carboxylic-Acid-Containing Superheated Water ECS Transactions
2022-06 Understanding of Etching Mechanism of Si3N4 Film in H3PO4Solution For The Fabrication of 3D NAND Devices ECS Transactions
2021-11 Addition of Carboxylic Acids to Superheated Water for the Environmentally Benign Removal of Silicon Nitrides ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING
2021-10 Understanding of Si3N4-H3PO4 reaction chemistry for the control of Si3N4 dissolution kinetics JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2021-10 Phosphoric acid-peroxide mixture surface preparation for the improvement of InGaAs channel characteristics Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2021-01 Interfacial ZnS passivation for improvement of transparent ZnO/CuI diode characteristics APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2020-09 Hexene passivation on a p-type Zn-doped InGaAs surface MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2020-01 Oxide regrowth mechanism during silicon nitride etching in vertical 3D NAND structures MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
2019-12 Addition of nitrate to superheated water and its reaction mechanism with C-C cross-linked ion-implanted photoresists APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2019-09 Removal of high-dose P+ ion-implanted photoresist on GaAs in the mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide and acetonitrile JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2019-05 Control of Si3N4 etching kinetics and selectivity to SiO2 by the additives in superheated water ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2019-05 Elemental behaviors of InGaAs surface after treatment in aqueous solutions MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
2018-11 Polarization behavior of polyvinylidene fluoride films with the addition of reduced graphene oxide JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2018-09 Improvement in the photovoltaic performance of a dye-sensitized solar cell by the addition of CeO2:Gd nanoparticles in the photoanode JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2018-03 Improvement in current density of nano- and micro-structured Si solar cells by cost-effective elastomeric stamp process AIP ADVANCES
2017-07 Fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cells using a both-ends-opened TiO2 nanotube/nanoparticle hetero-nanostructure JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2017-06 Reduction of ?Si≡Si3 defect density at the Si/SiO2 interface by sol-gel SiO2 thin film passivation THIN SOLID FILMS
2017-04 Oxidation and etching behaviors of the InAs surface in various acidic and basic chemical solutions SURFACE SCIENCE
2017-03 Behavior of GaSb (100) and InSb (100) surfaces in the presence of H2O2 in acidic and basic cleaning solutions APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2016-07 Removal of ion-implanted photoresists on GaAs using two organic solvents in sequence APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2016-05 Metal-assisted chemical etching of Ge surface and its effect on photovoltaic devices APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2016-04 Energy Harvesting delta-Phase Polyvinylidene-Fluoride Sponge SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS
2015-11 Behavior of a GaSb (100) Surface in the Presence of H2O2 in Wet-Etching Solutions JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2015-11 Preparation of Periodically Arrayed Silicon Microwires Using Simple Patterning Process JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
2015-09 Improvement of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film properties by a modified sulfurization process THIN SOLID FILMS
2015-08 Electron Beam-Treated ZnO Thin Film as an Anti-Reflection Layer for Crystalline Si Solar Cells SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS
2015-06 Enhanced absorption and short circuit current density of selective emitter solar cell using double textured structure SOLAR ENERGY
2015-03 Improvement in electrical properties of sol?gel-derived In-doped ZnO thin film by electron beam treatment JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2014-08 Surface modification of a MoSiON phase shift mask to reduce critical dimension variation after exposure to a 193-nm ArF excimer laser APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2014-08 Control of metal salt ratio and MoS2 layer thickness in a Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cell JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS
2014-06 Effect of energetic electron beam treatment on Ga-doped ZnO thin films CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2014-04 Ultrafast Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films by Using an Electron Beam Annealing Method JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2014-04 Selective wet etching of Si3N4/SiO2 in phosphoric acid with the addition of fluoride and silicic compounds MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
2013-12 Effect of energetic electron beam treatment on transparent conductive ZnO thin films THIN SOLID FILMS
2013-10 Effect of sulfur and copper amounts in sol-gel precursor solution on the growth, crystal properties, and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 films JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS
2013-10 Surface modification of the MoSiON phase shift mask to reduce critical dimension variation APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2013-08 Synthesis of arsenic-doped p-type ZnO films by addition of As2O3 to the ZnO spin coating solution SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS
2013-01 ZnO nanowire-based glucose biosensors with different coupling agents APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2013-01 Reversible wettability control of silicon nanowire surfaces: From superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobicity THIN SOLID FILMS
2012-06 Effects of ZnO nanowire synthesis parameters on the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells THIN SOLID FILMS
2012-04 Successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction of ZnSe shells for ZnO nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS
2012-03 Effect of post-etch cleaning on Ru-capped extreme ultraviolet lithography photomask APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2011-12 Synthesis of ZnO nanospheres with uniform nanopores by a hydrothermal process JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS
2011-11 Kinetic Study on the Wet Etching of La2O3 in Acidic Solutions JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY
2011-10 Behavior of Ru surfaces after ozonated water treatment APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2011-08 Effect of Al-doping on the structure and optical properties of electrospun zinc oxide nanofiber films JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE
2011-04 Addition of surfactants in ozonated water cleaning for the suppression of functional group formation and particle adhesion on the SiO2 surface APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2011-04 Etch Behavior of ALD Al2O3 on HfSiO and HfSiON Stacks in Acidic and Basic Etchants JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY
2011-02 Improved conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells based on electrospun Al-doped ZnO nanofiber electrodes prepared by seed layer treatment JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY
2010-12 Synthesis of a ZnS Shell on the ZnO Nanowire and Its Effect on the Nanowire-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2010-12 Improvement of ZnO nanorod-based dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency by Al-doping Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
2010-06 Improvement of optical properties of post-annealed ZnO nanorods Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures
2010-06 Annealing effects of ZnO nanorods on dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency Physica B-Condensed Matter
2010-05 Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on self-assembled monolayer-passivated Ge surfaces Thin Solid Films
2010-03 Improvement in the optical absorption of PECVD microcrystalline Si thin film through modification of the crystalline fraction through an annealing process Physica B-Condensed Matter
2010-01 Hydrothermal synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanorod arrays on Si substrate Physica B-Condensed Matter
2009-12 Direct indium tin oxide patterning using thermal nanoimprint lithography for highly efficient optoelectronic devices JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B
2009-11 Influence of Sn-doping in hydrothermal methods on the optical property of the ZnO nanorods Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures
2009-09 Multiple internal reflection Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy study on Si surface for measurement of PSL particles Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2009-06 Effect of Si wafer resistivity on the growth of ZnO nanorods Thin Solid Films
2009-05 Effect of Isopropyl Alcohol Addition in Ozonated Water on the Corrosion of Tungsten Film Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
2009-05 Selective Growth of Vertical ZnO Nanowires with the Control of Hydrothermal Synthesis and Nano-Imprint Technology JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
2009-03 Effect of modification of S-terminated Ge(100) surface on ALD HfO2 gate stack Applied Surface Science
2009-02 High photocatalytic activity of silver-loaded ZnO-SnO2 coupled catalysts Chemical Engineering Journal
2008-12 Oxidation of hydrogen terminated Ge(100) surface in the presence of iodine in methanol APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2008-09 Effect of Ge surface termination on oxidation behavior APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2008-09 Effect of surface preparation on the morphology of ZnO nanorods Physica B-Condensed Matter
2008-09 Effect of HAc and IPA addition in ozonated water cleaning system for ArF photoresist removal Journal of the Electrochemical Society
2008-08 Crystallization and dielectric properties of low temperature dielectrics containing Li2O filler Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
2008-05 Effect of hydrothermal reaction conditions on the optical properties of ZnO nanorods Physica B-Condensed Matter
2008-05 Oxidation mechanism of hydrogen-terminated Ge(100) surface APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2008-03 Role of OH- in the low temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanorods Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology
2008-02 Microstructural and optical characteristics of solution-grown Ga-doped ZnO nanorod arrays Nanotechnology
2008-01 Effect of wafer resistivity and HF concentration on the formation of vertically aligned porous silicon JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2008-01 Improvement of photoresist removal efficiency in ozonated water cleaning system JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2008-01 Modification of H-terminated Ge surface in hydrochloric acid APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
2007-11 Improvement of the optical properties of ZnO nanorods by Fe doping PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER