논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2023-12 국가지속가능발전위원회의 변천 과정 고찰:역사적 신제도주의 통합적 관점 적용 환경정책
2023-12 Imagining carbon-neutral futures: Comprehensive narratives through citizen participation Futures
2023-08 Online citizen petitions related to COVID-19 in South Korean cities: a big data analysis Annals of Regional Science
2023-03 Varieties of Green Stimulus Policies: Comparative Analysis of the Green Growth and Green New Deal Policies in South Korea Journal of Environment and Development
2022-11 해외 지속가능발전 거버넌스 비교 연구: 한국 K-SDGs 발전 방안 사회과학논집
2022-10 정당일체감이 원자력에너지 안전성과 확대 인식에 미치는 영향 한국정치연구
2022-09 Carbon pricing and decoupling between greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth: A panel study of 29 European countries, 1996-2014(sic)(sic)(sic)Palabras Clave REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH
2022-06 Public deliberation on nuclear power plant construction: The impact of values, processes, and personal attributes JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
2022-03 기후변화와 국제정치: 경제, 안보, 개발, 행위자 연구 어젠다 국제정치논총
2021-10 Delayed ratification in environmental regimes: Indonesia’s ratification of the ASEAN agreement on transboundary haze pollution PACIFIC REVIEW
2021-09 Financial investment for the development of renewable energy capacity ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT
2021-08 Political Framework of Green New Deal: A comparative analysis of the EU and US proposals The Korean Journal of International Studies
2021-04 Comparative politics of nuclear energy in East Asia: Interactions between traditional and new actors ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE
2021-04 From nuclear energy developmental state to energy transition in South Korea: The role of the political epistemic community ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE
2021-04 The old and the climate adaptation: Climate justice, risks, and urban adaptation plan Sustainable Cities and Society
2021-04 Matching and Mismatching of Green Jobs: A Big Data Analysis of Job Recruiting and Searching SUSTAINABILITY
2021-01 Credible Empowerment and Deliberative Participation: A Comparative Study of Two Nuclear Energy Policy Deliberation Cases in Korea REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH
2020-12 지역 기후변화 적응 인식 조사 연구 지역과 정치
2020-11 지방자치단체의 기후변화 적응을 위한 제도적 역량의 측정과 유형화 사회과학논집
2020-09 Do Debates Enhance Critical Thinking and Argumentation in Political Science Education? 동서연구
2020-08 문제해결 추구 교육: 학생들은 왜, 무엇을, 어떻게 배울 것인가? 사회과학연구
2020-06 4차 산업혁명 시대 주민자치 유형과 활성화 방안 연구 글로벌정치연구
2020-03 Does mitigation shape adaptation? The urban climate mitigation-adaptation nexus CLIMATE POLICY
2020-03 Asymmetric barriers in atmospheric politics of transboundary air pollution: a case of particulate matter (PM) cooperation between China and South Korea INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS-POLITICS LAW AND ECONOMICS
2020-02 Island energy transition: Assessing Hawaii’s multi-level, policy-driven approach RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS
2019-11 리빙랩 (living lab)을 활용한 환경 에너지 정치 교육 사회과학논집
2019-11 An Experiment of Community-Based Learning Effects on Civic Participation Journal of Political Science Education
2019-06 미세먼지 국제협력의 현황과 지향점: 동아시아 다자간 국가결정기여 (NDC) 협약 철학과 현실
2019-04 Analysis on Socio-cultural Aspect of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality (PM10, PM2.5) Improvement in Seoul 환경영향평가
2019-04 한중 대기 환경협력의 정치: 미세먼지와 기후변화 비교연구 국제지역연구
2019-04 국제규범의 국내입법 과정에서 NGO의 영향력: 한국의 단일 난민법 제정사례를 중심으로 사회과학연구
2019-02 Does the knowledge economy advance the green economy? An evaluation of green jobs in the 100 largest metropolitan regions in the United States ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT
2019-01 Network comparison of socialization, learning and collaboration in the C40 cities climate group JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & PLANNING
2018-12 NGO의 기업에 대한 영향력 연구 : 그린피스의 쿨IT 캠페인을 중심으로 동서연구
2018-06 동네 민주주의 개념과 적용 연구 한국정치연구
2018-06 Local energy agencies and cities’ participation in translocal climate governance ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE
2018-05 Mapping city-to-city networks for climate change action: Geographic ses, link modalities, functions, and activity JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
2017-12 Institutions for European Energy Cooperation: Dyadic Data Analysis of Electricity Network Interconnections The Korean Journal of International Studies
2017-12 Compliance with climate change agreements: the constraints of consumption INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS-POLITICS LAW AND ECONOMICS
2017-10 Are Smart Cities Sustainable? Toward the Integration of the Sustainable and Smart City 환경정책
2017-08 The effect of clean energy regulations and incentives on green jobs: panel analysis of the United States, 1998?2007 NATURAL RESOURCES FORUM
2017-06 대학-지역 연계 수업의 신뢰 영향에 대한 실험 연구 한국정치학회보
2017-06 Perceptions of urban climate hazards and their effects on adaptation agendas MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR GLOBAL CHANGE
2017-05 민관협력 파트너십과 정책 일관성 영향 연구: 뉴욕시와 서울시의 건강도시 정책 비교 지방정부연구
2016-12 거버넌스 다중이해당사자의 목적 합치성과 참여 : 도시 에너지 전환 ‘에누리’ 사례를 중심으로 공간과 사회
2016-12 Evolutionary Urban Climate Resilience: Assessment of Seoul's Policies INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGIES AND MANAGEMENT
2016-06 도시의 에너지 전환 분석-서울시의 원전하나줄이기 정책을 중심으로 ECO
2016-06 지역기반 시민정치교육의 지향, 방법론, 활성화 구조에 대한 연구: ‘마을학개론’ 사례를 중심으로 한국정치연구
2016-04 미국 하와이 주정부의 재생에너지 전환 법정책 연구 환경법연구
2016-03 중간지원조직과 에너지 레짐 전환: 한국 에너지자립마을의 사례 비교 공간과 사회
2015-12 Multilevel governance and urban climate change mitigation ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C-GOVERNMENT AND POLICY
2015-12 Comprehensive local climate policy: The role of urban governance Urban Climate
2015-12 Barriers of voyaging on the Northern Sea Route:A perspective from shipping Companies MARINE POLICY
2015-06 Assessing the effectiveness of marine environmental regimes in East Asia 사회과학연구논총
2015-02 Corruption and NGO Sustainability: A Panel Study of Post-communist States VOLUNTAS
2014-11 Mitigating Global Warming in Global Cities: Comparing Participation and Climate Change Policies of C40 Cities JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLICY ANALYSIS
2014-11 동북아 오일허브정책의 지정학적 위험요인 분석: 싱가포르 사례와의 비교를 중심으로 사회과학논집
2014-11 An experiment for urban energy autonomy in Seoul: The One ‘Less’ Nuclear Power Plant policy ENERGY POLICY
2014-02 Policy by Doing: Formulation and Adoption of Policy through Government Leadership POLICY STUDIES JOURNAL
2013-12 Network Analysis of Free Trade Agreements: Homophily and Transitivity The Korean Journal of International Studies
2013-11 Comparative studies of urban climate co-benefits in Asian cities: an analysis of relationships between CO2 emissions and environmental Journal of Cleaner Production
2013-02 Global Cities and Transnational Climate Change Networks GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS
2012-09 Building Green: Local Political Leadership Addressing Climate Change REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH
2012-09 Who teaches and who learns? Policy learning through the C40 cities climate network POLICY SCIENCES
2012-02 Media Independence and Trust in NGOs: The Case of Postcommunist Countries NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY
2010-08 The Rise of International Nongovernmental Organizations: A Top-down or Bottom-up Explanation? VOLUNTAS : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VOLUNTARY AND NONPROFIT ORGANIZATI